Who We Are

South Coast Lumber Co. & Affiliates is a fourth-generation, family-owned and operated business.
Founded in 1950, our company has been sustaining the ultimate philosophy and pride of being an integral part of the Brookings economy and growth for over 72 years. As a reputable competitor in the wood products manufacturing industry, we provide over 500 reliable family-wage jobs for our local communities.
Over the years, we have continuously upgraded our facilities to stay on top of market demand and be able to maximize our effective resource management. Throughout our long history, we have developed exemplary products, installed state-of-the-art machinery and plants, and have expanded to new markets on national and international scales.
We continue to reinvest in our company and our innovations.
Vertical integration is a key factor in prioritizing our sustainability and dependability. Sourcing our materials from local timberlands that we have properly managed enables us to control each part of the process with a future focused mentality. It all starts with our responsibility as stewards of the forest and ensuring that we strategically capitalize on the renewable resources available.
We have expanded our full line of fine wood products to include concrete forming panels, green and kiln dried Douglas Fir lumber, PS 1 rated plywood, and LVL door and window components. With a zero-waste mentality, we also produce and sell a wide variety of wood by-products. The high-quality offerings that we manufacture will provide you with virtually everything you need to construct a quality building. Our dedication to meeting the diverse needs of our customers at competitive prices weathers all storms. Through a pandemic, extreme wildfires, and unpredictable economic times… We can still do that!

To all the employees of Pacific Wood Laminates and South Coast Lumber:
I want to thank all of you for the work you do and the quality of the products you produce. I have been in the wood products industry for more than 45 years and dealt with both domestic and foreign producers of lumber and panel products. I can safely say that I have never enjoyed working with a better group of people than all of you there at Pacific Wood and South Coast Lumber.
Your products are of the highest quality and your product mix is without a doubt the best in the business! I want all of you, from those of you who work in the mills, in shipping , in traffic , in accounting, and in the sales departments, that what you do for us here at Western Woods is fully appreciated ! Much of our success is due to your efforts in helping us in the marketing and in the quality of your products. I look forward to our continued relationship and mutual success and friendships.
With sincere thanks,
Bud Bristow – Sales/Purchasing Manager, Western Woods