Evelia Miramontes
May 6th, 2021

Evelia Miramontes has worked for Pacific Wood Laminates in our LVL Division for over 20 years. She remembers her very first day clearly, repairing MDO (medium density overlay) panel defects by applying putty and sanding it down. After completing quality control measures on several large orders, Evelia moved to the main core line where LVL blanks become billets after passing through the finger jointer. Next, she spent time grading the mainline output, ensuring quality was up to standard. Today, Evalia operates the stacker at the very end of the LVL core line process.
The job Evelia had before applying for Pacific Wood Laminates was not providing enough hours for her liking. With a recommendation from a mutual friend, Evelia decided to interview and originally planned on only working at the mill for a couple of years. When evaluating her career, she considered her options…Transitioning to day shift, making a reliable income, working consistent hours, built-up vacation time, able to pay all bills and support kids through college… Evelia saw no reason to leave. Her excitement for her son recently graduating and becoming a lawyer is contagious. The gratification from being able to support that achievement through the stability of her work is profound.
When retirement comes, Evelia plans on staying close to her children. She enjoys spending time at the local beaches and rivers and hopes to plan more camping trips around the area. There will be more frequent trips home to Mexico when the time comes!
Evelia is an extremely hard-working individual with a massive heart. She is the type of person you would be lucky to have as an employee, coworker, friend, or family member. You are so appreciated, Evelia!